Thursday, January 27, 2011

RIPA - a victory for privacy (and, ahem, BBW)

Over at Public Service, I've written an article about the fact that (rejoice) local authorities have finally been denied surveillance powers for many purposes and have to get warrants to authorise use for the rest. Just as we called for in our report, our manifesto and our book. Very pleased. Let's call this a win.
It's happened because (a) these powers should never have been used for trivial offences in the first place, and (b) the authorities displayed a total inability to use the powers responsibly. So, they lose the capacity to use these powers at all in most areas, and are severely restricted in the rest.
I therefore thought that you might be interested to see the way that the Local Government Association has spun it:
Lobbying success ensures councils can continue using RIPA to fight serious crime
Victory for the LGA! Hee hee
By Alex Deane

Source: Big Brother Watch